Find below a list of bookbinding courses and workshops in Poland. All courses listed are available to the public, some are day courses, others are multi-day courses and some are full time. With just a rare exception all the courses are taught in Polish.
If you know of any other bookbinding-related or book arts workshops and courses (paper making, marbling, conservation etc.), please leave some information in the comments section below. Thank you =)
Krakowska Szkoła Kaligrafii, Iluminatorstwa i Dziedzin Pokrewnych
phone: 12 396 57 12
ul. Grodzka 60/12A, Kraków, 31-044
Warsztaty podstawowe (Basic Workshop)
November 7-8, 2015
Warsztaty dla zaawansowanych (Advanced Workshop)
November 21-22, 2015
Warsztaty dla zaawansowanych (Advanced Workshop)
December 5-6, 2015
Calligraphy courses in different cities of Poland
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