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Books within the Collection
The complete list of the books included can be found below.
- Bookbinding and its Auxiliary Branches Volume 3 by J Pleger 1914 (288 pages)
- Bookbinding and its Auxiliary Branches Volume 4 by J Pleger 1914 (80 pages)
- Bookbinding and the Care of Books – A Handbook For Amateurs Bookbinders and Librarians 1901 (330 pages)
- Bookbinding and the Care of Books – A Text Book For Bookbinders and Librarians 1920 (341 pages)
- Bookbinding As a Handwork Subject – How Books Can Be Bound With Simple Apparatus 1915 (67 pages)
- Bookbinding For Amateurs by W Crane 1885 (224 pages)
- Bookbinding For Beginners 1924 (84 pages)
- Bookbinding For Bibliophiles – Being Notes On Some Technical Features of the Well Bound Book 1905 (124 pages)
- Bookbinding In England and France 1897 (141 pages)
- Bookbinding In France by W Fletcher 1894 (92 pages)
- Bookbinding with Numerous Engravings and Diagrams by P Hasluck 1907 (160 pages)
- Bookbindings Old and New Notes of a Book Lover by Brander Matthews 1896 (295 pages)
- Catalogue of An Exhibition of Nineteenth Century Bookbindings 1898 (111 pages)
- Catalogue of Beautiful Books Richly Bound by George D Smith 1918 (100 pages)
- Catalogue of Ornamental Leather Bookbindings Executed in America Prior to 1850 1907 (122 pages)
- Catalogue of the Magnificent Private Library of the Late Amor L Hollingsworth of Milton Mass 1910 (440 pages)
- Catalogue Raisonnee 1903 (119 pages)
- Commercial Bookbinding – A Description of the Processes 1910 (82 pages)
- Cowies Bookbinders Manual by G Cowie 1860 (146 pages)
- Cowies Bookbinders Manual by G Cowie 1852 (146 pages)
- Early America Bookbinding and Kindred Subjects by W Andrews 1902 (29 pages)
- Early Oxford Bindings by S Gibson 1903 (116 pages)
- Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote 1842 (1156 pages)
- English Embroidered Bookbindings 1899 (208 pages)
- Examples of Bookbinding 1920 (72 pages)
- Examples of Bookbinding Executed by Robt Riviere and Son 1920 (73 pages)
- Examples of the Art of Book Binding 1897 (200 pages)
- Exhibition of Silver Embroidered and Curious Bookbinding by Grolier Club 1903 (97 pages)
- Folious Appearances a Consideration On Our Ways of Lettering Books by J Tupling 1854 (27 pages)
- Historic Bindings In the Bodleian Library Oxford 1891 (133 pages)
- Historical Essay On the Art of Bookbinding 1883 (41 pages)
- La Reliure De Luxe Le Livre Et Lamateur by L Deroome 1888 (247 pages)
- La Reliure Du Xixe Siecle Vol 1 by H Beraldi 1895 (222 pages)
- La Reliure Du Xixe Siecle Vol 2 by H Beraldi 1895 (307 pages)
- La Reliure Du Xixe Siecle Vol 3 by H Beraldi 1895 (323 pages)
- La Reliure Du Xixe Siecle Vol 4 by H Beraldi 1895 (369 pages)
- Lart Dans La Decoration Exterieure Des Livres En France Et a Letranger Les Couvertures Illust (412 pages)
- Lart De La Reliure En France Aux Derniers Siecles by E Fournier 1864 (240 pages)
- Leather For Libraries 1905 (73 pages)
- Les Femmes Bibliophiles Catalogue of a Collection of Books Bound by Famous Binders 1919 (143 pages)
- Library Binding Manual by L Feipel 1951 (90 pages)
- A Bibliography of Bookbinding 1892 (31 pages)
- Library Bookbinding 1916 (248 pages)
- List of Manuscripts Printed Books 1897 (82 pages)
- Manual of Library Bookbinding Practical and Historical by H Coutts 1911 (297 pages)
- Manuel Historique Et Bibliographique De Lamateur De Reliures by L Gruel 1887 (265 pages)
- Modern Book Bindings and their Designers by E Wood 1900 (95 pages)
- Modern Bookbinding Practically Considered 1889 (105 pages)
- Modern Bookbinding Their Design and Decoration by S. T Prideaux 1906 (177 pages)
- New Books For Old by M Wheelock 1916 (51 pages)
- Notes On Bookbinding For Libraries by John cotton Dana 1910 (170 pages)
- Nouveau Manuel Complet Du Relieur by L Lenormand 1853 (281 pages)
- One Hundred and Eighty Eight Manuscripts Bindings Books and Autograph Letters including the magnificent Calvillo Pontifical by J Pearson & Co (174 pages)
- Papers On Bookbinding by William Charles Hollands 1922 (70 pages)
- Partial Bibliography of Bookbinding by M Bridgman 1901 (60 pages)
- Practical Bookbinding by Paul Adam, Thomas E Maw 1903 (216 pages)
- A Collection of Excessively Rare Books Letters and Illuminated Manuscripts, Binding, Books and Autograph Letters by Calvillo Pontifical 1909 (175 pages)
- Practical Bookbinding by W Pearce 1908 (135 pages)
- Printing and Bookbinding For Schools by S J Vaughn 1912 (152 pages)
- Printing and Writing Materials Their Evolution by A Smith 1912 (263 pages)
- Remarkable Bindings In the British Museum Selected For Their Beauty Or Historic Interest by Henry B Wheatley 1889 (213 pages)
- Report of the Committee On Leather For Bookbinding by the Royal Society of Arts Great Britain by Ciscount Cobham 1901 (128 pages)
- Royal English Book Bindings by C Davenport 1896 (96 pages)
- A Syllabus of a Course On Elementary Bookmaking and Bookbinding by Sarah Jane Freeman 1910 (44 pages)
- Specimens of Book Types and of Printing and Bookbinding by Norwood Press 1902 (188 pages)
- Specimens of Linotype Monotype and Hand Type in use in the Book Composing Room of the Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Company 1905 (197 pages)
- The Art of Book Binding – its Rise and Progress including a Descriptive Account of the New York Book-Bindery by E Walker and Sons 1850 (56 pages)
- The Art of Bookbinding by Josephy William Zaehnsdorf 1880 (224 pages)
- The Art of Bookbinding a Practical Treatise by Josephy William Zaehnsdorf 1890 (245 pages)
- The Art of Bookbinding by H P Du Bois 1883 (42 pages)
- The Art of Bookbinding In All its Branches by Richard Groombridge 1835 (224 pages)
- The Art of the Book a Review of Some Recent European and American Work in Typography, Page Decoration & Binding by Charles Holme 1914 (247 pages)
- The Binding of Books – An Essay in the History of Gold-Tooled Bindings by Herbert P Horne 1915 (257 pages)
- A Guide To the Exhibition In the Kings Library (British Museum) – Illustrating the History of Printing, Music-Printing and Bookbinding 1913 (183 pages)
- The Book Collector by W Hazlitt 1904 (363 pages)
- The Book – its History and Development by C Davenport 1907 (270 pages)
- The Book – Its Printers, Illustrators and Binders From Gutenberg to the Present Time by H Bouchot 1890 (403 pages)
- The Catalogue of Books From the Libraries Or Collections of Celebrated Bibliophiles and Illustrious Persons of the Past by the Grolier Club 1895 (113 pages)
- The Colonial Printer by Lawrence C Wroth 1938 (412 pages)
- The Earliest Cambridge Stationers and Bookbinders and the First Cambridge Printer by George J Gray 1904 (115 pages)
- The Essentials of Good Binding by John H H McNamee 1896 (51 pages)
- The Hand Book of Taste In Book Binding by E Churton 1800 (31 pages)
- The Making of a Book by the Methodist Book Concern 1915 (36 pages)
- The Printed Book by Harry G Aldis 1916 (174 pages)
- The Printers Dictionary of Technical Terms – A Handbook of Definitions and Information about Processes of Printing by A A Stewart 1912 (384 pages)
- The Printers Handbook of Trade Recipes Hints and Suggestions Relating To Lithographic Printing, Bookbinding, Stationery, Engraving etc by C T Jacobi 1891 (378 pages)
- The Private Library by A Humphreys 1897 (169 pages)
- The Spencer Collection of Modern Book Bindings by Henry W Kent 1914 (58 pages)
- Women In the Bookbinding Trade by M Van Kleeck 1913 (302 pages)
- A History of the Art of Bookbinding With Some Account of the Books of the Ancients by W Brassin 1894 (304 pages)
- Works On Bookbinding Practical and Historical – Examples of Bookbindings of the XVI to XIX centuries a Samuel Putnam Avery Collection 1903 (118 pages)
- A Lecture on Bookbinding as a Fine Art by Robert Hoe, Edward Bierstadt and Grolier Club 1886 (121 pages)
- A Note On Bookbinding by Douglas Cockerell 1904 (39 pages)
- A Primer in Book Production by Frank B Myrick 1945 (97 pages)
- A Short Historical Sketch of the Art of Bookbinding by William L Andrews and William Matthews 1895 (50 pages)
- A Short History of Bookbinding and a Glossary of Styles and Terms Used In Binding by J Zaehnsdor 1895 (40 pages)
- A Syllabus of a Course on Elementary Bookmaking and Bookbinding by Sarah Jane Freeman 1910 (44 pages)
- An Essay on Bookbinding as an Art and the Care of Books by a L Bancroft 1886 (20 pages)
- An Historical Sketch of Bookbinding – With a chapter on Early Stamped Bindings by E Gordon Duff 1893 (313 pages)
- Bibliopegistic – Pertaining To the Art of Binding Books Dibdin by The Trow Press 1910 (23 pages)
- Bibliopegia or the Art of Bookbinding in all its Branches by John Andrews and John Hannett 1848 (179 pages)
- Binding for Libraries by the American Library Association Publishing Board 1915 (21 pages)
- Book of Type Specimens by Barnhart Bros & Spindler 1907 (1043 pages)
- Book Repair and Restoration – A Manual of Practical Suggestions for Bibliophiles 1918 (119 pages)
- Bookbinders and Their Craft by S Prideaux 1903 (289 Pages)
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