iBookBinding.com is Looking for New Team Members
As we wrote almost a month ago, we have lots of plans to write more about different bookbinding techniques not only in English but in other languages. First posts in Russian have already appeared on our web site (hope the community wasn’t startled). We would also proceed with translating the old posts.
With the USA and the UK leading our visitor chart, Brazil is our third largest demographic. We are now looking for a person to translate from 1 to 6 posts per month from English to Portuguese.
We would be happy to find not just a translator, but someone who might truly become our team member one day. Eventually, we would like to have a language editor for each language version we launch at iBookBinding.com. That person should be in charge of all the translations, along with local news and guest posts.
Those regiestered on Frelancer.com, may chek our project there: https://www.freelancer.com/projects/Translation/Translate-bookbinding-related-texts-from/
If you are ready to join us, write a letter at stepan@iBookBinding.com
We are also happy to welcome everybody, who decided to start writing guest posts for iBookBinding.com. Hopefully, first ones would be published pretty soon.
If you are a bookbinder, employee of a workshop, or work in any related industry and would like to write a guest post for iBookBinding.com, just send us a PM or comment below =)
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Moreover, starting with the pledge level of $3, you will get a digitized vintage book about bookbinding, book history, or book arts each month from us!
These pledges help iBookBinding to continue its work and bring more information about bookbinding and book arts to you!