Talleres de encuadernación en España | Bookbinding Workshops in Spain (2015)
Find below a list of bookbinding courses and workshops in Spain. All courses listed are available to the public, some are day courses, others are multi-day courses and some are full time. With just a rare exception all the courses are taught in Spanish.
If you know of any other bookbinding-related or book arts workshops and courses (paper making, marbling, conservation etc.), please leave some information in the comments section below. Thank you =)
Bookbinding workshop on Wednesdays with Fernando Mateo Arenas
phone: +34 616 54 89 55
Edificio Innova, Av. Federico García Lorca (esquina con Camino del Prado) S/N aula 1 Arroyo de la Miel
Wednesdays, October 7 — December 23, 2015. 17:00-20:00
Taller de encuadernación “El Ingenio”
phone: +34 659 09 34 13
Calle Marqués de Falces, 2 18001, Granada
Castile and León
El Telar
phone: +34 923 62 03 50
Paseo de Carmelitas, 53 37002, Salamanca
TÉCNICA de TRANSFER with Zigor Anguiano Calzada
Saturday, October 17, 2015. 10:00
Arenys de Munt
Art Print Residence
codex estudio
email: codex.escuela@gmail.com
phone: 663 856 731 / 606 171 535
Av. Covibar 8, 2ª planta Local 6, Rivas-Vaciamadrid Madrid, Spain
17 octubre 2015. de 10:00 a 19:00 aproximadamente
Dolores Baldó
email: doloresbaldo@edearte.es
phone: 914295210
calle del gobernador nº25 28014 madrid
Gold tooling workshops
Fundación Meirat
Papermaking workshop
Taller de papel artesanal de lino donde hacemos las hojas más grandes del mundo
Taller 35
email: cursos@taller35.es
Taller encuadernación japonesa (30 €, material incluido)
Sábado 24 de octubre, de 10:30 a 13:00
Taller monográficos de encuadernación (50 €, material incluido)
Sábado 7 de noviembre, de 10:30 a 14:00
Taller De Oficios
email: aula@tallerdeoficiosaula.com
phone: 913083174
Fernando el Santo, 5 28010 Madrid
Book and document restoration workshops
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