Talleres de encuadernación en Chile| Bookbinding Workshops in Chile (2015)

Find below a list of bookbinding courses and workshops in Chile. All courses listed are available to the public, some are day courses, others are multi-day courses and some are full time. With just a rare exception all the courses are taught in Spanish.

If you know of any other bookbinding-related or book arts workshops and courses (paper making, marbling, conservation etc.), please leave some information in the comments section below. Thank you =)


Taller de Oficios del Libro
email: olayabalcells@oficiosdellibro.org
phone: (+56 9) 9 799 06 29

Clases de tres horas cada una, una vez a la semana, distintos días y horarios. Extensión y programa a determinar según las habilidades, experiencia y/o requerimientos de cada interesado. Valor: $65.000 mensuales -cada cuatro clases-, materiales incluidos.


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