Bookbinding Workshops / Classes in Belgium (2015)
Please check the updated list of bookbinding workshops and classes in Belgium for the year 2017
Find below a list of bookbinding courses and workshops in Belgium. All courses listed are available to the public, some are day courses, others are multi-day courses and some are full time.
If you know of any other bookbinding-related or book arts workshops and courses (paper making, marbling, conservation etc.), please leave some information in the comments section below. Thank you =)
Double Page Atelier Créatif de Reliure
phone: 0492 80 00 46
Ry dèl Vau 5 5340 Gesves, Belgium
Fleur des champs
phone: 00 32 479 56 38 05
L’atelier carnet – reliure Copte
Samedi 21 novembre 2015 de 14h à 18h
L’atelier carnet – reliure Bradel
Samedi 19 décembre 2015 de 10h à 17h
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