Bookbinding & Anatomy

When I meet titles like Book Anatomy or something the first picture I have in mind is this:

Image by Designers Insights –

Or this:

Sorry for the Russian text here – that’s an illustration for the book I’m finishing next week.

The other image I get is Grey’s Anatomy. I mean the book, of course, not the series. But I would naturally blame the show for that – I have never been a medical student.

But there really are some anatomy elements that can inspire a bookbinder. I wanted to share two findings with you. They are not new, but there is always a chance someone hasn’t seen them =)

The first is a collection of wonderful Japanese stab binding journals made (and sold) by Fabulous Cat Papers. They are not only anatomy themed, you can find some math and nature inspired covers too. Every time I visit that Etsy store I find something new and peculiar.

The other project is Book Autopsy posted at Street Anatomy web site, and you can see below why I wanted to post it along with Fabulous Cat Papers journals. Here you get a book and some human anatomy.

Hope these will inspire some experiments of your own. Although not like the anthropodermic bibliopegy I should say.

Updated on October 6, 2015

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